Tech stack
I'm Louise, a self-taught, software engineer.
Specialising in full stack web development, I started learning to code in April 2021, then landed my first job in December 2022. I am continually striving to learn and grow.
I enjoy the challenge of problem solving when coding.
This portfolio was built in vanilla JavaScript, CSS and HTML.
The following projects consist of both static pages and dynamic, reactive single page applications (SPA), built with React.js in the frontend and either relational (MySQL) or non-relational (MongoDB) databases with Node.js and Express.js for CRUD functionality in the backend.
For full details of my professional experience, please download my CV here.
Hotel homepage
Using Sass/SCSS and React in the frontend and MySQL with Express in the backend, users can browse the page of this small chain of local hotels and make use of the backend functionality to check room availability and then make a reservation.
Event Ticket Page
Using React with Bootstrap styling in the frontend and Mongoose and Express in the backend to connect to MongoDB, this full stack app allows users to buy and sell tickets to their favourite events.
Pizzeria D'Acampo
Simple, static frontend page for a local pizzeria, styled with Tailwind CSS. Designed to engage both mobile and desktop users.
Messaging App
The Social Network App is a mobile-first messaging page, built with Tailwind CSS and DaisyUI in the frontend, inspired by popular modern-day messaging services and designed for optimum use on a mobile device. Users can search for friends by email address and send messages.